This only elevated my excitement and therefor, the pace in which my words were flying out of my mouth. That was half the battle - getting the idea planted in my moms brain. But, as luck would have it, they had already planned on riding today to get breakfast and putz around. She gets cold easily, so unless its predicted borderline tropical temps, she doesn't care to ride. But they did, and they caught the gist of my call - once I slowed my speech down a hair. At this point, I had been awake for over an hour, and had only slept a few hours since planning out a generic idea - so between my ADD, the excitement of hitting the road, and my trusty morning Diet Mountain Dew seeping into my veins, I was FAR too awake and animated for my parents to be answering the phone from a dead sleep. And they like to sleep in, so I was pushing my luck at 8am. Stiffy was game, my dad was sound asleep (as a normal human should be in the middle of the night) when the memo came through, so when I woke up in the morning, I called my parents. So at midnight the night before I was going to hop on the bike and roll out, I sent a text message to my dad and to Stiffy - laying out my half-assed idea and seeing if they would want to join in on the fun. My parents live in northern MN - seeing the weather prediction of highs in the upper 70's, in northern MN, in September - that's a rare occurrence. And just south of there is a 'Tornado Boat in Tree' - all quirky roadside attractions with the sole purpose of a laugh and a picture. Just north of there is the US's biggest Apple.

Stopping at the Plywood Palace in northern WI is high on my list of stuff I want to see and experience. Not wanting to waste a perfectly good 2 days, I researched various places - and by research, I mean, I wrote down the city and the predicted forecast. It seems so long ago now, but in recent weeks there really was WARM and SUNNY weather in the Midwest.